Dev Log #26: Homecoming!


* Heavily improved rendering of graphics!

* A new spell is added: Homecoming. New players has it in their spellmenu by default. The spell will teleport you home to your spawnpoint with a cooldown of 30minutes. Old players will have to buy it in the shop area of island 1, in the town.

spell bar


* Now says the boss name as well when it shows how long time its left to spawn a boss on the map ypur are on.

* You can now search for player names in the open market.

* Maintenance reboot alert message will now appear for 300sec instead of 30sec.

* Pet eggs now move when walking.

* Start game loading time reduced.

* Text rendering improved.

* Music handler optimized to reduce lag.

* Graphics sharpness improved.

* Graphics rendering improved.


* Some lategame monster balancing (more gold etc..).

* Swapping a server now gives you 75% of the exp instead of 50% for 15minutes.


* Fixed text info on craft reset all stats and skill points.

* Fixed so it says the right exp boost on the party page, changed from 50% to 110% boost on the page.

* Implemented a potential fix for spell buffs dissapearing.


KeyToHeavenItchio.exe 233 MB
64 days ago

Get Key To Heaven 2D MMORPG

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