New Release July 28th!
Key To Heaven 2D MMORPG » Devlog
Get READY, on July 28th the new RELEASE comes. You have many benefits to start on the 28th or the weeks that follows. Hope to see you online!
- New Content:
Lots of new late-game areas added and new maps on all islands.
- Stat Reset:
There is a new NPC, on the starting map, that offers a one-time full stat+skill reset for all characters.
- New Equipment Slot:
A 2nd Ring Slot. You can now use 2 rings but they can not be the same.
- Unidentified Items:
Items you get with random bonus stats will now be unidentified by default. A new NPC is added to all towns where you can now identify an item for 25gold. The name of the new NPC is 'Lore Seeker Lenny'.
- New Item Qualities:
Common, Fine, Rare and Epic. The better quality the better and more boosts it has. Different item qualities will display different colored backgrounds in the inventory and the item bonus text.
- Skinable items:
There is a new NPC in each town that will allow you to skin your items. The cost will consist of either/and/or gold, emeralds, tokens, gems. The purpose is to allow for more late game customizations for your character, There is also another thing to consider. There are for example currently offhand items that do not have any visual graphics on your character. Such as quivers, scepters, orbs and so on. And those will now also be skinable!
- 60+ New Items:
The current 10 different armor sets have now received an extra version of each called Prime. So for example you can find 'Leather Leggings Prime'. The prime gear will give extra bonuses while the normal set will just be basic. All prime gear is found from monster drops. 5 new weapons: A new weapon set has been added for all classes between Primordial and Impending.
- 30+ New Spells:
Includes new spell types, icons and spell animations.
- Weather Effects:
Rain, Snow, Fog, Thunder, Sandstorm, Hail.
- Monster Diversity:
Monsters now have the ability to shoot arrows and drop bombs on the ground which you will want to avoid.
- Communication:
The global chat will post the chat message across all servers, so if you are on EU and write in global, players on the US server will see it.
- New Players:
All new characters start the game on x1 Seraph. There are currently 3 (optional) seraphs to be done, on each seraph you start back on level 1 but with more stat and skill points.
Balancing / New Content:
- All new created players starts with 10 stat points in each stat. You get 5stat points per level. Each seraph provides an additional 5 points in each stat.
- You can now hide behind blocked objects such as walls etc to avoid ranged enemies from attacking you. They will not see you so you can regroup and replan your next attack.
- Seraph x1 requires level 60, each seraph after that requires +10 levels.
- New tile type called a Box. Can be placed on a map and when all monsters on the map is killed, the boxes will dissapear to allow passage to other areas. The boxes can also be removed by walking on a switch tile. These two different systems with map boxes is now used as small puzzles across the world.
- New maps and shops added to all islands.
- All item requirements have been increased by the same percentage as the difference between 3 stat points per level and 5 stat points.
- All resources hit decreased to 1, except for trees that are 3 hits. And fishing that is 75% chance to catch each time.
- Right clicking a player will show a menu, so that you can quickly invite another player to a party, guild etc.
- Can no longer cast spells through blocked objects such as walls and trees.
- Normal movement speed has been increased by 9%.
- Tons of items have been changed so that they focus on for example 1 skill. So that you can more choose what you prefer, instead of having marginal overall gains.
- Running has been removed, but normal walking speed is as mentioned above 9% faster. Using the running key now will instead imitate an attack animation.
- The skill Splash AOE effect is now set to 1 tile around the player.
- Arrows travel 15% faster.
- 4 new trap types added (all with new graphics), for example huge fire, fast spinning trap, larger area traps etc..
- New chest type added for island 6.
- Spells Buffs can now be stacked, meaning you can have multiple spells that give you AC, as long as its a different spell providing it.
- Spells can now give skill points.
- Spells can now give multiple buffs, meaning a spell can give both HP and Damage for example.
- Spells can now have a cooldown, meaning you can only cast it 1 time every X seconds.
- Spell window now displays the hotkey of the spell and the current cooldown countdown.
- Spell target area Chess has been replaced with AOE and/or Cross.
- All wall spells now hits 3 times instead of 2 times.
- All mage leggings has now been converted to gear for all players that instead require endurance and some wisdom. This is to further make it so that mages put points into endurance to get proper armor gears and so that paladins can easier utilize these leggings as well.
- All belts now require endurance.
- Sneak converted to a new skill called Aura.
- Lifesteal rebalanced to: REQ: 15 Strength. You have a 11% chance to lifesteal and you get +0.5% (spells get half of that) of your max health per point spent. Enemies hit by the skill splash has 5% chance to lifesteal. Minimum amount of lifesteal is 2.
- Allround skill has been slightly rebalanced.
- Daily rewards have been boosted.
- Monster spawn times have overall been lowered.
- Monsters will no longer attack you if you can not see them. Meaning they will only attack you if they are visible on your screen.
- Many new monster graphics has been added.
- All chests have been given good rare loot.
- New environment graphics added.
- Maps have received new puzzles based on the new box system and weather effects.
- Minimum pvp damage formula has been tweaked to provide more base damage.
- Resources for crafting has been changed.
- The skill untwine has been buffed and now gives +0.2AC/point.
- New character screen no longer allows you to distribute your starting stats. All characters starts with 10 in each stat.
- Gathering resources now requires 2 stamina each hit.
- Rare item drops (with random boosts) can now give Bonus Damage (which boost dmg for all attacks), Damage Reduction (total damage taken is reduced by a percentage) and damage increase in percentage.
- Increased chance for rare items to appear from monster drops.
- Rare items can now give an extra bonus stat. Also increased chance to give skills on items and can no longer give any of the resource gathering skills on items.
- Star Monsters have been given a lot more EXP.
- Star monsters have increased chance to drop emeralds. It's now 30% extra chance per star instead of 10% per star.
- A monsters max damage has been rebalanced to 45% of the players max hp. So if the player has 200 Max Health. Then a monster can not do more than 90 pure damage each attack.
- Damage from star monsters has been slightly lowered to make them even more attractive.
- The last two armors can now only be bought on island 5.
- Some rebalancing of monster density in island 1-3.
- Monsters drop all new Prime items.
- Minimum damage on monsters rebalanced.
- You can now pay for the clues to enter i5 town castle.
- Spells and items heavily rebalanced.
- Pet exp increased so it's much more rewarding for the player.
- Rings, amulets and belts have been rebalanced and given more requirements.
- The amount of attacks a pet can do on a map before getting exhausted is doubled from 250 to 500.
- Monster spawns have been changed on tons of areas.
- Fixed so firewall spells and all other spells render properly and does not move when the player moves.
- Fixed issue of the target area showing the wrong target colors for the object it hovered.
- Fixed an issue with having too much experience.
- Fixed an issue where player graphics on the left side of the screen floated to the right when on the edge.
- Fixed an issue that could result in server list not working.
- Fixed so spells render the proper time they was supposed to.
- Fixed an issue with very quick map swapping.
- Fixed entangle issue.
- Fixed an issue related to npc's that can spawn other npcs.
- Fixed an issue with arrows.
New Stuff / Improvements / Other:
- THE REAPER: A new very hard/impossible boss has been added.
- Added support for Chinese translations in the game.
- The whos online list will now show players from the other servers as well, and show what server they play on.
- New mouse target area graphics.
- Target area now has an opacity effect.
- Servers will be removed from the server list after 4 days of inactivity.
- Graphics improved.
- Ingame data list updated with new resource information.
- Bosses will now have a red star rendered on them if they are a boss, just like star monsters have 1-3 yellow stars on them.
- All battle notifications are scrolled up much more fluently.
- The new eternal item set can be purchased on island 5.
- Makes the monster darker when you hover above it with the mouse to indicate targeting.
- The casting aim cursor will turn gray if the casting is out of range or if a blocked tile is found in the path.
- Monsters within the spell cursor aim will fade to slightly darker to indicate they are within the target area.
- You can hover the buttons above the chat and it will show what the button is for.
- Buffed spells on a player will persist when logging out and retain it's duration when logging back in.
- Online player count is no longer shown for each server.
- Now showing if players are online on a server instead of the count.
- Game startup speed optimized.
- You can now right click active buffs to see the name of the buff.
- Spell animations will grow larger by each level.
- A new spell type has been added. This spell type removes all aggro you have on yourself.
- Right click a player to view some player info and the players achievements.
- Increased security to protect against hacking.
- The spell description window has been made larger.
- You can now double tap a hotkey and cast the spell on yourself.
- New spell list ingame.
- Data list now shows what maps each spell is sold on.
- Increased hacking protection.
- A delete and show all spells button has been added to the hotbar for spells/abilities.
- Improved spell deselection.
- Converted all texts in client to localized texts for all languages supported.
- All languages have gotten more text translated.
- Spells can now be deleted from your hotbar.
- First Aid can be bought in the first town.
- Buffed stats are now shown on the stats screen.
- Holding shift will perform an attack animation while walking. It wont do any damage. Its just for having fun.
- Stat points, skills points and housing points available to spend will be displayed in blue text.
- Server selection screen optimized.
- General improvements to the game.
- A message will be shown if you are level 1 and use the shift button telling you that the real attack button is CTRL or left Mouse Button.
- Maps can now control the spawn time of monsters. So the same monsters on different maps can have different spawn times. This will not be shown in monster spawn time. So it is something that will be noticed and utilized to make certain maps packed with monsters but with longer spawn times.
- All maps have been converted to handle the new resource system.
- Better information about gathering provided to player when trying to gather and has lack of skill points.
- A new sound effect has been added each time a ring or amulet drops from a monster.
- Improved feedback from buttons in the inventory tabs.
- Spells casted by monsters will be rendered in a much more redish color to distinguise them from player spells.
- The datalist showing all the items have been heavily improved.
- You can now create a party from the popup menu when right clicking yourself or another player.
- Improved handling of incoming data on server select page.
- Rare items dropped by monsters with random stats was previously named +0 in the end. They are now named Rare instead. And updates on those items will show as Rare +1 etc..
- Unidentified items exist and will be shown with blue text in the inventory. Identified items will show with green text.
- NPC added to first town to skin items.
- Improved server selection load time upon server lag.
- Items in the player market older than 30days will be discounted by 75%. So an item costing 1000gold will be 250gold.
- You can now search for items in your chest.
- A new EU server has been setup.
- The ingame data list will now show which monsters are bosses.
- Item in your inventory will now have a colored background if they are unidentified or rare.
- Data list has been updated with all the needed info to compensate for the stat changes, monsters etc..
- You can now see the image of the item you selected in your chest.
- You can now see the image of the item you selected in the player market.
- Island 1,2 and 3 has received weather effects on some maps.
- New maps added for island 3 with a new boss.
- New area added to island 1.
- Exp the player gets from pet attacks are now visually displayed above the character each pet attack.
- When a lightning strike occurs, a sound will play.
- Tutorial has been updated with all the new info/balancing.
- Lots of work on localizations (different languages).
- You can now type !events in the chat to see all running events, and !help to see all available commands.
- Changes to a lot of maps.
- New functions for certain in game moderators.
- A countdown has been added to the server selection page that will show when the new update goes live and servers come online.
- Optimized login with a significant time.
- Cleanup rendering loops.
- These are the new area level requirements for access to the different islands:
- Island 1: lvl 1-20
- Island 2: lvl 20-35
- Island 3: lvl 35-50
- Island 4: lvl 50-65
- Island 5: lvl 65+
- Island 6: lvl 80+
- Island 1: lvl 1-20
KeyToHeavenItchio.exe 233 MB
Jul 24, 2023
Get Key To Heaven 2D MMORPG
Key To Heaven 2D MMORPG
By yourself or with friends, your goal is to fight and explore on the mysterious islands.
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